C X Y Z 把X到Y的路径全染成Z颜色
Q X Y 询问X到Y的路径有多少个颜色段
在AndyBear的鼓舞下我使用Link—Cut—Tree AC了此题。(膜拜自顶而下的Splay)
Const maxn=100000;Type link=^node; node=record id:longint; next:link; end;Var q,f,l,r,lc,rc,d,c,rev:array[0..maxn]of longint; tp:array[0..maxn]of boolean; ee:array[0..maxn*2]of node; e:array[0..maxn]of link; ne,n,m,x,y,z,i:longint; o:char;Procedure Swap(var a,b:boolean); var t:boolean; begin t:=a; a:=b; b:=t; end;Procedure Update(x:longint); begin if l[x]<>0 then lc[x]:=lc[l[x]] else lc[x]:=c[x]; if r[x]<>0 then rc[x]:=rc[r[x]] else rc[x]:=c[x]; d[x]:=d[l[x]]+d[r[x]]+1-ord(c[x]=rc[l[x]])-ord(c[x]=lc[r[x]]); end;Procedure Zig(x:longint); var y:longint; begin y:=f[x]; f[x]:=f[y]; Swap(tp[x],tp[y]); if y=l[f[y]] then l[f[y]]:=x else if y=r[f[y]] then r[f[y]]:=x; l[y]:=r[x]; if r[x]<>0 then f[r[x]]:=y; r[x]:=y; f[y]:=x; Update(x); Update(y); end;Procedure Zag(x:longint); var y:longint; begin y:=f[x]; f[x]:=f[y]; Swap(tp[x],tp[y]); if y=l[f[y]] then l[f[y]]:=x else if y=r[f[y]] then r[f[y]]:=x; r[y]:=l[x]; if l[x]<>0 then f[l[x]]:=y; l[x]:=y; f[y]:=x; Update(x); Update(y); end;Procedure Modify(x,k:longint); begin if x=0 then exit; lc[x]:=k; rc[x]:=k; c[x]:=k; d[x]:=1; rev[x]:=k; end;Procedure Spread(x:longint); begin if rev[x]>0 then begin Modify(l[x],rev[x]); Modify(r[x],rev[x]); rev[x]:=0; end; end;Procedure Splay(x,fa:longint); var y:longint; begin Spread(x); while (f[x]<>fa) and (not tp[x]) do begin y:=f[x]; if (not tp[y]) and (f[y]<>0) then Spread(f[y]); Spread(y); Spread(x); if tp[y] or (f[y]=fa) then begin if x=l[y] then Zig(x) else Zag(x); break; end; if x=l[y] then begin if y=l[f[y]] then begin Zig(y); Zig(x); end else begin Zig(x); Zag(x); end; end else begin if y=r[f[y]] then begin Zag(y); Zag(x); end else begin Zag(x); Zig(x); end; end; end; end;Procedure Color(x,y,k:longint); var i:longint; begin i:=0; while x<>0 do begin Splay(x,0); tp[r[x]]:=true; tp[x]:=true; r[x]:=i; tp[i]:=false; f[i]:=x; Update(x); i:=x; x:=f[x]; end; i:=0; while y<>0 do begin Splay(y,0); if f[y]=0 then begin c[y]:=k; Modify(r[y],k); Modify(i,k); Update(y); end; tp[r[y]]:=true; tp[y]:=true; r[y]:=i; tp[i]:=false; f[i]:=y; Update(y); i:=y; y:=f[y]; end; end;Function Query(x,y:longint):longint; var i:longint; begin i:=0; while x<>0 do begin Splay(x,0); tp[r[x]]:=true; tp[x]:=true; r[x]:=i; tp[i]:=false; f[i]:=x; Update(x); i:=x; x:=f[x]; end; i:=0; while y<>0 do begin Splay(y,0); if f[y]=0 then begin Query:=d[i]+d[r[y]]+1-ord(c[y]=lc[r[y]])-ord(c[y]=lc[i]); end; tp[r[y]]:=true; tp[y]:=true; r[y]:=i; tp[i]:=false; f[i]:=y; Update(y); i:=y; y:=f[y]; end; writeln(Query); end;Procedure Add(x,y:longint); var p:link; begin inc(ne); p:=@ee[ne]; p^.id:=y; p^.next:=e[x]; e[x]:=p; end;Procedure Bfs; var h,t:longint; p:link; begin h:=0; t:=1; q[1]:=1; while hnil do with p^ do begin if f[q[h]]<>id then begin inc(t); q[t]:=id; f[id]:=q[h]; end; p:=next; end; end; end;Begin Assign(input,'paint.in'); reset(input); Assign(output,'paint.out'); rewrite(output); readln(n,m); for i:=1 to n do begin read(c[i]); d[i]:=1; lc[i]:=c[i]; rc[i]:=c[i]; rev[i]:=0; tp[i]:=true; end; for i:=1 to n-1 do begin readln(x,y); if x<>y then begin add(x,y); add(y,x); end; end; Bfs; for i:=1 to m do begin read(o); case o of 'C':begin readln(x,y,z); Color(x,y,z); end; 'Q':begin readln(x,y); Query(x,y); end; end; end; Close(input); Close(output);End.